Rotating Points in Two-Dimensions

D. Rose - December, 2014


This tutorial describes the efficient way to rotate points around an arbitrary center on a two-dimensional (2D) Cartesian plane. This is a very common operation used in everything from video games to image processing. Sample code is provided in Java.

The Naïve Solution (don’t do this)

Let’s try a concrete example. Take the point (4,3) and rotate it 30 degrees around the origin in a counterclockwise direction. If you’ve taken high school trigonometry, you might come up with a solution like this:

Images showing point rotation

Step 1: Convert the point from Cartesian to polar coordinates. Polar coordinates define the location of a point by its distance from the origin (r) and angle from the x-axis (θ).
  • The distance from the origin can be found using the Pythagorean Theorem: r2 = x2+y2. If you plug in (4,3) for (x,y), you find that r = 5.
  • The angle can be found using trigonometry: θ = tan-1(y/x). If you plug in (4,3) for (x,y), you find that θ=36.87°. (Note: If you’re writing a computer program, you need to use the function atan2() instead of atan(). The atan2() function accepts the x and y arguments separately, and so produces the correct answer in all four quadrants.)
Step 2: Rotate the point by 30°. You do this by adding 36.87°+30°, to get a rotated angle of 66.87°.
Step 3: Convert back to Cartesian coordinates.
  • The x coordinate of the rotated point is rcos(θ), and the y coordinate is rsin(θ). If you plug in 5 and 66.87 for r and θ, you find that the rotated point (x1,y1) = (1.964, 4.598).
This is the correct answer, and it works for points in all quadrants and all rotation angles, including negative angles. But it requires five multiplications, three trig functions, a square root and an addition, which is way more computation than necessary. If you’re rotating a 2-million-pixel HDTV image, or trying to render your X-Wing fighter at 60 frames per second, you want to be as efficient as possible.

The Right Way

Equations 1 and 2 show the right way to rotate a point around the origin:

x1 = x0cos(θ) – y0sin(θ)
(Equation 1)

y1 = x0sin(θ) + y0cos(θ)
(Equation 2)

If we plug in our example point of (x0, y0) = (4, 3) and θ = 30°, we get the answer (x1, y1) = (1.964, 4.598), the same as before.

At first glance this may not seem to be that much faster than the naïve method, since it takes four trig functions, four multiplications, and two additions. The trick is that the trig functions only have to operate on the rotation angle, which is constant for all points. You therefore only have to compute them once, no matter how many points you are rotating. The per-point computational load is therefore only four multiplies and two additions—less than half that of the naïve method.

Rotating Points around an Arbitrary Center

But what if we want to rotate our point around something other than the origin? We simply modify equation 1 and 2 as follows:

x1 = (x0xc)cos(θ) – (y0yc)sin(θ) + xc
(Equation 3)

y1 = (x0xc)sin(θ) + (y0yc)cos(θ) + yc
(Equation 4)


(x0, y0) = Point to be rotated
(xc, yc) = Coordinates of center of rotation
θ = Angle of rotation (positive counterclockwise)
(x1, y1) = Coordinates of point after rotation

Note that if (xc, yc) = (0, 0), then equations 3 and 4 simplify to become equations 1 and 2, which is what we expect.

Sample Code:

This listing shows a Java implementation of equations 3 and 4. Note that the sine and cosine calculations are performed only once, outside the main loop. This saves significant computation time.

void rotatePoints( double[] x, //X coords to rotate - replaced on return double[] y, //Y coords to rotate - replaced on return double cx, //X coordinate of center of rotation double cy, //Y coordinate of center of rotation double angle) //Angle of rotation (radians, counterclockwise) { double cos = Math.cos(angle); double sin = Math.sin(angle); double temp; for( int n=0; n<x.length; n++ ){ temp = ((x[n]-cx)*cos - (y[n]-cy)*sin) + cx; y[n] = ((x[n]-cx)*sin + (y[n]-cy)*cos) + cy; x[n] = temp; } return; }

Here is an example of how the rotatePoints() method would be called:

double[] x = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 20, 10}; //Create some test data double[] y = {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 40, 30, 20}; //Create some test data double cx = 20; //X-coord of center of rotation double cy = 30; //Y-coord of center of rotation double angle = 45 * Math.PI/180; //convert 45 degrees to radians //Rotate the points rotatePoints( x, y, cx, cy, angle ); //Display the results for( int n=0; n<x.length; n++ ){ System.out.println( ""+x[n]+","+y[n] ); }

The following figure shows the eight points from the example code before and after the rotation:

Points before and after rotation

Common Errors

Here are a few things to be conscious of when implementing this code :


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